2011. okt. 20.


2011. okt. 12.

Camera360 HDR effect comparsion

with HDR effect

original picture

with HDR effect
original picture

2011. okt. 6.

Séta a Tisza parton

Szegeden a Tisza parton sétáltam hazafelé ma reggel, szép és jó idő volt. A Somogyi könyvtártól tartottam a Novotel hotel irányába. A Régi híd és múzeum közötti bicikli tárolóban, egy nem túl ritka látványra lettem figyelmes, egy biciklikereket láttam lezárva a korláthoz. Rossz látni h ennyire szemét tolvajok járják Szeged utcáit, és h ennyire mindenáron elviszik a biciklit, ha a zárral nem birkóznak meg, viszik azt a felét amelyet mozdítani bírják.

Aztán folytattam az utam hazafelé, a mellvéden egy fiatalabb galamb ült nyugodtan, még őt is megörökítettem.

Alig 200 méterre az otthonomtól a Körösi Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola ablakából néhány fiatal lány köszönt rám. :) Majd egyikük mondta h ő is ilyen szép hosszú hajat szeretne mint az enyém :). Jól esett a bók. Amúgy hosszú derék alá érő hajam van.

2011. okt. 1.

Odin and Krémes

Videos about my cats, Odin unfortunately is with my ex girlfriend .. i love these cats :), they are very cute :)
They are himalayan cats.



2011. szept. 16.

My first salvia trip

My first salvia trip - it was short, i mean in reality i was unconscious only a minute, but i thought when it was over, i was at least half hour in unconscious state. My brother showed me the Salvia first, i always wanted to try something what is said to be consciousness-expanding, like LSD. But to use LSD is illegal, and hard to get, or make. Salvia is legal, different, but someway similar. The set of my first trip: i was sitting in a not too dark place, on a red sofa, next to me my brother to watch me, there was no music. I started to smoke my first salvia, my brother given to me a medium amount x20, what would be enough for 5 minute unconscious state.
I smoked it, and i felt myself happier, lighter, and i become unconscious in a minute.. i was in an other world, somewhere in the past, or other dimension, in the end or middle of 19th century, in a city like Budapest. I can't really remember what happend, i have seen a nice little family house made from wood, i think it was the place when everything started in that dream, but later what i remember, i was running on a big bridge in the city, and a woman shout after me on the bridge, "don't go, please stay here" ... i weared black clothes, hat ... and i shouted back "i must go, but i will come back", the river, and the view from the bridge was beautiful. The next thing what i remember when i came down from the bridge to a railway station, i get on a train wagon, and as my hand touched the handrail of the wagon, that moment i have seen the handrail in the room opposite to me, and i came back to the reality. First i have seen the handrail and the edge of red sofa, it was in waves like water, but in a minute it become over, i have felt the Salvia in my head, i felt my body little bit easyer, heard my own voice a different, that after effect was about an hour long, i had no problem with movement, nothing more hallucination/dream not happend, so the after effect is safe, and boring.. Overall it was a good trip, and i don't understand why i wanted to come back to reality from my dream.. maybe i not really wanted to be stay in unconscious state.. but i wish to go back there once, and try Salvia again later.. maybe next time i will go back there, maybe i will dream something different, but i would like to know more.

2011. jún. 28.

Cycling Activity 17.85 km | RunKeeper

Cycling Activity 17.85 km | RunKeeper

This is my cycling activiti to Algyő from Szeged, it is old, but i post it, cause it was memorable, It was hard cause i needed to go on my own feet back to Szeged, cause the tire of bycicle broke off.

2011. jún. 27.

Walking in Algyő village

In the late afternoon i was walked 7km, what i checked with runkeepet. I made some picture, about the church landscape, bridges. About bridges, i was walked on the train bridge, but warning message only was at the other end of the bridge.

Church of Algyő

I am at the christian church of algyő  It is nice and only churh of the village

Blogging from the android app

Hi there, this is an other test about blogging from mobile device using Blogger for android. It is usable, and much better than sending email.

First post from mobile device

Hi all
This is my first post from my sony ericsson x8 device, as sending email to my blog
I am in the TIK library of the university of szeged.
I am currently looking for new job.

2011. jún. 17.

New blog again!

Today i started to make an other blog:
http://slovakiancastles.blogspot.com - a blog about the beautiful Slovakian, or historical Hungarian castles!

2011. jún. 16.

New blogs

In the last two days i made two new blog:
http://hungariancastles.blogspot.com - this is a blog about the beautiful castles and ruins in Hungary
http://helloworldsource.blogspot.com - this blog will contains a Hello World source code of all programming language

2011. jan. 21.

Welcome on my blog!

Hi everybody, this is my first blog in English language, i will try to post something about my life, and interests, like my work, programming, travelling, music or anything recently :).
First i would like to present myself, my name is Gábor Mester, i live in Hungary, Szeged city, i work in daily 8 hours as Software developer, and study at the University of Szeged, Program design.
I am 24 years old, i have waist length hair, and i still growing it, i love to travel, visit castles, and listen metal music :).
For now only this, later i write more.